The Cleveland Museum of Art is committed to reducing barriers and ensuring that the museum is welcoming and accessible to all.
Staff and volunteers at the information desk and posted around the museum are available to answer questions about your visit to the museum.
Most of the historic 1916 building is accessible, but visitors who need to avoid stairs must enter the museum from the ramps and elevators at the north entrance and continue through the east wing or the atrium to access the 1916 building. The south steps of the 1916 building, which are open during the spring and summer, are not wheelchair accessible.
ArtLens App contains an interactive, digital map of the entire museum, detailed information about every work of art on view, and a select number of audio tours with works in the permanent collection. Real-time updates ensure that users have access to the most accurate information available. The app is compatible with screen readers such as VoiceOver on iOS and Select to Speak and TalkBack on Android. Enable the service through your device’s settings, then follow the screen reader’s instructions to navigate through the app and to read information on all object pages. An ArtLens tech is stationed in ARTLENS Gallery during open hours to answer any questions and provide assistance.
The Cleveland Museum of Art members magazine is available online. The print may be scaled up by using the + sign in the center top margin adjacent to the automatic zoom tool.
The museum’s staff and volunteers seek to meet student needs. School groups with special needs can provide the relevant information on their electronic registration form or contact the department of public and academic affairs at Please allow a minimum of four weeks’ notice for special arrangements.
If you need accommodations for a disability or have questions or feedback about accessibility at the CMA, please contact