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Parade the Circle participants in butterfly costumes

Parade the Circle

All parade entries must be registered online. No new entries are accepted after May 24, 2024.

Saturday, June 8, 2024, 12:00–4:00 p.m.
Location: Parade kicks off at 12:00 p.m. at the north entrance of the Cleveland Museum of Art.

About The Event

Parade the Circle, one of Cleveland’s most impactful cultural events, is an annual art parade that fills Wade Oval with lively sounds and colors, featuring innovative costumes, giant puppets, and handmade masks created by artists, families, schools, and community groups. Watching the parade is free for all.

Individuals, families, schools, and neighborhood and community groups are all invited to participate. Create your parade entry on your own or at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s public workshops.

2024 Parade Theme

Visions of Harmony 

Nothing is more precious than being in tune with nature, especially when imagining and creating new projects in perfect harmony with the world—like the combination of harmonious musical notes, which can create a pleasing effect for our senses. 

The word harmony refers to a positive state of inner peace, calmness, and balance, as well as the feeling of being in sync with friends, family, partners, and neighbors. 

Working on the parade as a community and seeing different visions come to life is not only beautiful but magical. This harmonious intersection is the key to a successful event that we can all celebrate!


Héctor Castellanos Lara, Lead Artist

Visiones de armonía 

Nada es más precioso que estar en sintonía con la naturaleza, especialmente cuando se imaginan y crean nuevos proyectos en perfecta armonía con el mundo, como la combinación de notas musicales armoniosas, que pueden crear un efecto agradable para nuestros sentidos. 

La palabra armonía se refiere a un estado positivo de paz interior, calma y equilibrio, así como a la sensación de estar en sintonía con amigos, familiares, parejas y vecinos. 

Trabajar en el desfile como comunidad y ver cómo cobran vida diferentes visiones no solo es hermoso, sino también mágico. ¡Esta intersección armoniosa es la clave para un evento exitoso que todos podemos celebrar!


Héctor Castellanos Lara, Artista Principal

Parade the Circle Participation

Individuals, families, schools, neighborhood groups, and community organizations are all invited to participate by creating a handmade parade entry. Participants may create on their own or at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s public workshops.

Parade the Circle the artist creating a giant cat puppet out of recycled materials.


All education programs at the Cleveland Museum of Art are underwritten by the CMA Fund for Education. Major annual support is provided by Brenda and Marshall Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Fortney, David and Robin Gunning, Dieter and Susan M. Kaesgen, Eva and Rudolf Linnebach, Gail C. and Elliott L. Schlang, Shurtape Technologies, and the Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation. Generous annual support is provided by Gini and Randy Barbato, the M. E. and F. J. Callahan Foundation, Char and Chuck Fowler, the Giant Eagle Foundation, Robin Heiser, the Lloyd D. Hunter Memorial Fund, the late Marta and the late Donald M. Jack Jr., Bill and Joyce Litzler, the Logsdon Family Fund for Education, William J. and Katherine T. O’Neill, Mandi Rickelman, Betty T. and David M. Schneider, the Sally and Larry Sears Fund for Education Endowment, Roy Smith, Paula and Eugene Stevens, the Trilling Family Foundation, and the Womens Council of the Cleveland Museum of Art.

    The Cleveland Museum of Art is funded in part by residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.

    Education programs are supported in part by the Ohio Arts Council, which receives support from the State of Ohio and the National Endowment for the Arts.